We‘re a family business that, since 1985, started the Cultivation of Flowers. After 10 years we fully switched on wholesale.

In the Spring we are specialized in geraniums, meuhlenbeckia, hanging plants and, in a limited quantity, in the most common bedding plants.

In the summer and Autumn the outdoor courts are reserved for hebe’s and veronica’s. In the Greenhouse we cultivate disbudded cut chrysanthemums and disbudded cut chrysanthemums in pots, both for November the first.

The plants at the plantation are in first instantiate selected because they’re very good garden plants.

A few criteria are very important, including:

Once it appears that a non-predicate said plant merits, then it disappears from the range. Because of this careful approach, we’re able to deliver each sort of the range on the agreed time.
Reliability and Quality are making the company Vantyghem the designated supplier.

On this site you will find our entire range of crops.

In guidance with the cultivation, the spraying is in standard with the environmentally conscious standards.

Only dealers, no INDIVIDUALS!

Information about our company or about the different products we offer, can be found on this site.
Of course you can contact us for questions or remarks on the site or our company.

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